The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices

Tareq Abedrabbo of OpenCredo delivered this talk at The London PaaS User Group (LOPUG) November 2014. Here are the immortal sins (the accompanying pictures on the slides are worthy viewing here, although there's no further expansion on this text):

  1. The Enterprise-OSGI-Application-Service-Bus

    Building the wrong thing

  2. Porcine Cosmetics

    Failing to adopt a contract-first design approach

  3. Message in a Bottle

    Assuming the wrong communication protocol

  4. The Single Domain of Failure

    Introducing a shared domain model

  5. The Distributed Monolith

    Defining inappropriate service boundaries

  6. The Horseless Cart

    Neglecting DevOps and Testing Concerns

  7. The Sausage Factory

    Disregarding the Human Factor